
Project documentation

Patrice Levesque


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Examples

Chapter 1. Quick startup recipe

Get this beast running as fast as possible.


xhtmail wasn't completely written from scratch

  • PHP4May currently work now with PHP5, one day it will indeed

  • mailparsePECL extension to decode mail

  • mbstringPHP extension to handle multibyte characters

  • iconvPHP extension to convert charsets (though if the list to archive is using english characters only this can be optional)

  • Mail_MimePEAR extension (Mail/mimeDecode.php is needed from this package, PHP4 doesn't ship iconv_mime_decode yet)

The mailing list archives must be constituted of separate files containing 1 mail message each with full headers.


3 steps to heaven

  1. The shared_www directory should be moved to a web-accessible location (and renamed if needed). This directory contains all images, scripts and stylesheets spicing up the web pages. In the next step, this web-accessible directory will have to be specified as XHTMAIL_IMAGES_BASE_URI.

  2. xhtmail.php should be edited - on top of the file there are different configuration settings to edit.

  3. Ready!

Usage examples

Real Life

php xhtmail.php -n mylist -o outdir myarchives/*

Example 1.1. Minimal commandline invocation

The above command writes all archives in the outdir directory by processing messages from the myarchives directory. In the generated pages, the archive will be referenced as mylist.

php xhtmail.php -a samples/after.simple.html -b samples/before.simple.html -n mylist -t "Archives of mylist" -o outdir myarchives/*

Example 1.2. Simple commandline invocation

The above command writes all archives in the outdir directory by processing messages from the myarchives directory, using samples/after.simple.html and samples/before.simple.html as templates. In the generated pages, the archive will be referenced as mylist and described as Archives of mylist.

Complete command-line reference is available in the appendix and is also shown when php xhtmail.php --help is entered at a terminal.


xhtmail was built with flexibility in mind

  • Coders that know even just a bit of PHP should look at samples/before.php and samples/after.php to see what's possible. A more advanced template engine could have been used, but let's keep things that should be simple, eh, simple.

  • Sample files (found in the samples/ directory) are provided as examples for wrapping the output.

  • Tweaking the stylesheets is strongly encouraged. When still young, the author caught a disease called "Bad Taste" and it does not seem to fade away after all these years.

Chapter 2. Details about the project

What, where, why, when, how?


10 good reasons to switch to xhtmail

The author uses Sympa 5 as a mailing list manager. Though its pure mail engine works fine, its web archives (generated with mhonarc 2.6.5) seem deficient. Other engines were studied (LISTSERV 14.4, Hypermail 2.1.8, dbmarc 20030519) but it feeled like the world needed a new mailing list archiver. Why? they all exhibit many annoyances from these:

  1. Cumbersome navigation. "One message, one page". Ever searched google and found the middle of the thread in a mailing list archive? Feels like the middle of nowhere!

    xhtmail puts all messages of a thread in a single page.

  2. Weak table-based markup. Tables are meant for tabular data; every web coder should know. Though in 1995 no other method existed to obtain a complex layout, this era is long gone.

    xhtmail generates semantic markup, with no tables; signatures, titles, dates, quotes in mail messages are recognized most of the times and wrapped as such in appropriate tags.

  3. No markup language metadata. Most browsers and search engines crave the metadata stored in a web page.

    xhtmail recuperates most metadata from the mail message headers; for indexes and threads, navigational metadata is generated.

  4. Plain look. Everybody knows how the web looked like in 1994. Monochrome monitors lost popularity. Most of the engines don't allow any control of the presentation.

    xhtmail exclusively uses CSS for presentation so the web archive can be easily styled; the engine adds icons and even X-Faces to the message, bringing life to otherwise plain messages.

  5. Whack-A-Mole URIs. Archives can change at any time, messages can be deleted for different reasons. As most engines use an internal pointer to generate mail message URIs, should a page in the original archives be deleted, other URI will change.

    xhtmail always generates the same URI for the same thread and the same anchor for the same message. Cool URI Don't Change™.

  6. Undescriptive URIs. Each web resource should be described when possible; people (and search engines) like it though no RFC nor web standard ask for descriptive URI

    xhtmail uses a combination of timestamp and message thread subject to build the thread URIs, giving them expressiveness; as a bonus, webstats suddenly become more readable...

  7. Invalid markup. Though W3C recommendations for HTML exist since 1995, only a fraction of the web markup shows validity and mailing list archivers too create tag soup.

    xhtmail complies with XHTML Strict recommendations and can be safely sent as application/xhtml+xml.

  8. Useless file extensions for messages. As said before, Cool URI Don't Change™; if the mail archiver generates .html files, and suddenly the pages need to be wrapped in a scripting language, troubles arise.

    xhtmail puts all threads in separate directories so no visitor-visible extension is necessary.

  9. No/flaky support for feeds. Many people like to stay informed of what's happening on a list but don't want to subscribe for different reasons.

    xhtmail exports RSS2.0 and Atom1.0 feeds with message summaries.

  10. Difficult integration with existing site templates. It should be easy to get a uniform look through all pages of a website, even mail archives.

    xhtmail is template-driven so existing bits of markup can be reused. Though the xhtmail code is written in PHP, any CGI language (python, perl, ruby, php, ...) can be used for templating.


Design decisions

Before anything, this script is really tied to the author's needs. Some limitations may seem stupid; contact the author, those probably arise from simple overlooks.

As a complement of the above remark: xhtmail was first built for a french-speaking mailing list; it will indeed work better with this than Thai or Arabic.

  • As everything is sorted by timestamp before processing, no problem will arise when reindexing the same files over and over when there's new content. In fact, full reindexing is still needed to update the web mail archives. Filenames and relations will stay the same after each reindexing.

  • When possible, URI should point to the English Wikipedia. Two reasons: most URI won't change (which could be different for a software publisher's URI), and all pages will eventually be translated (and users of xhtmail can work as translators if they wish).

    Wikimedia was asked for a generic way to handle link translations so for now links will just point to the english version. In the future a wrapper could be embedded in xhtmail if the previous bug is not resolved in a timely fashion.

  • GNU gettext was discarded for internationalization. Using gettext would mean scattering files all over the place; xhtmail should remain as self-contained as possible. gettext also requires locales for each of the translations to be installed, meaning trouble for many people that don't have root access. And as some differences with environment occur (LC_ALL? LANG? LANGUAGE?) using gettext would have meant spending too much time debugging setups. There are not so many strings anyway.


Primitive benchmarks

  • Here on an Athlon 1600, about a thousand mail messages are processed in 30 seconds.

  • Memory usage should remain minimal because only metadata about mail messages is kept through the processing; individual messages bodies and attachments are filtered directly file by file.


Neither bugs nor features

  • All output is UTF-8. After 40 years of trouble with non-english languages, no time to mess with weird charsets problems that UTF-8 usage solve. For pure english data, that makes absolutely no difference to US-ASCII, ISO-8859-X.

    At this moment, supported message input charsets include UTF-8, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, win-1252, win-1256, win-1258.

    Contact author or write a patch if you need other charsets - the author doesn't need them so no coding will happen without a request (especially when every problem is resolved when the mailing list users configure their mailer to use UTF-8).

  • Mail messages must have a text/plain part or else they are simply skipped. text/html attachments are discarded as they are first netiquette-unfriendly, second hard to manage (xhtmail aims for pure XHTML on output and tagsoup parsing is not fun). Fortunately, some mailing list engines add a text/plain part to mail messages with only text/html prior to archival.

  • Message URIs are built from the subject line and timestamp of the message. A clash will occur if two threads are started at the very same second with precisely the same subject line. xhtmail indeed is not designed for overactive user-support mailing lists where clueless lusers title all their mails "problem" and expect revelations.


Standing on the shoulders of giants

This software would probably not exist without the GPL and other collaborative licences. Bits and pieces were picked from different sources, I thank all those involved.

  • Mail handling functions: PEAR and PECL that make code reuse a snap

  • Mimetype images: Horde project

  • OS images: AWStats

  • MUA images: dispMUA

  • Commandline parsing: bgetop

  • XHTML wordwrapping: Brian Huisman AKA GreyWyvern

Chapter 3. Helping out

Where to start

Here are notes for the advanced usage; this chapter may be skipped by those who show no interest whatsoever about free software development.

API Documentation

Knee-deep in the code

Using phpdocumentor, full phpdoc can be obtained for this code, by using a command:

phpdoc -dn xhtmail -f xhtmail.php -o HTML:frames:earthli -t api -ti "xhtmail documentation" -s on

That doc is also available on http://ptaff.ca/xhtmail/api/.


Hey, thanks!

They're welcome. Simple patches can help the project get better in no time.

Any patch to xhtmail should be build with diff -ru distributed_xhtmail_directory patched_xhtmail_directory and mailed to for revision. Only patches to a recent CVS version or the latest official release will be accepted.


Easy for everyone

Currently, only a handful of interface languages are supported. Adding a language should not take more than half an hour.

  • A t_LC function needs to be added to xhtmail.php. The language code should be picked from ISO 639. t_fr is probably the most current language function so it can be used as a reference.

  • XML entities must be used in the file to encode non-ASCII characters. That means numerical entities, and not HTML entities.

Detection of more MUA and OS

Easy for programmers

The set of detected MUA and OS is still small. Adding detection for them is simple when holding a mail message with their footprint.

  • All the logic for MUA detection is found in the extract_mua_from_email_header function.

  • After addition of a new MUA, a corresponding entry in the get_mua_uri function must be inserted.

  • A 14x14 PNG icon should be added if necessary for the MUA, in the shared_www/mua/ directory.

  • All the logic for OS detection is found in the extract_os_from_email_header function.

  • After addition of a new OS, a corresponding entry in the get_os_uri function must be inserted.

  • A 14x14 PNG icon should be added if necessary for the OS, in the shared_www/os/ directory.

Appendix 1. Complete command-line reference


php xhtmail.php options file [file...]

Each file is a separate mail message, with full headers.



What content (typically XHTML) should be put after the xhtmail output?


What content (typically XHTML) should be put before the xhtmail output?

Special tags in the file will be replaced according to rules in Appendix B

No <hN> tags should be found in this file because they are already used by xhtmail for message titles.

-c FILENAME, --contents-after=FILENAME

What content (typically XHTML) should be put after the thread contents in thread pages?


What extension should we give to output files? Default is html. Web visitors won't see this extension, this is intended for server-side processing (if your templates are written in ruby, use rb, for python use py and so on).

-f NUMBER, --feed=NUMBER

Number of Atom/RSS entries in the main archive output. Defaults to 0 (no feed)

See -u option

-h, --help

Displays this help text and exits

-i FILENAME, --index_after=FILENAME

What content (typically XHTML) should be put after the index in index pages?


What interface language should the generated pages use? Default is en

Available: en, fr

-n STRING, --name_of_list=STRING

Name of the mailing list for titling purposes

-o DIRECTORY, --output_directory=DIRECTORY

Where should the output files and directories be located?

-p URI[,URI], --picture_uri=URI[,URI]

Image URI and icon URI respectively for the Atom/RSS feeds. Silently discarded if not used with -f; the icon should be the size of a favicon (16x16), if provided

-t STRING, --title_of_list=STRING

Long name of the archive (Like "Archives of the foo mailing list")

-u URI,URI, --uri_base=URI,URI

Base URI for webpages and RSS respectively, separated by a comma, like "-u http://ex.com/path1,http://ex.com/path2"; no slash is wanted at the end of the URIs. This parameter is silently discarded if not using the -f flag (feeds). These base URIs are used only for cross-linking between web pages and feeds, not for internal links. The feeds base should be before the feeds subdirectory (if your feeds are at http://example.com/feeds/example.xml, use http://example.com). If unspecified, the feeds will be located in the feeds/ directory of the output directory (-o)

-v, --version

Output version information and exit

Danger Will Robinson

Option parsing is primitive at best. Should results be weird, command line inspection is strongly suggested.

Appendix 2. Templates reference

Tag Meaning Example substitution
<^ATOM_PATH^> URI of the Atom feed http://example.com/atom.xml
<^CONTRIBUTOR_NAMES^> Comma-delimited list of people names who posted to the thread Barney Rubble, Bamm Bamm, Betty McBricker
<^CREATOR_NAME^> Name of the creator of a thread (who started the thread) Fred Flintstone
<^DATE_OF_CREATION^> Date of creation of the page (according to the mail messages timestamps) 2004-09-22
<^DATE_OF_UPDATE^> Date of update of the page (according to the mail messages timestamps) 2004-09-23
<^FIRST_TITLE^> Title of the first page in a set (title of the first month page on month pages and title of the first thread on thread pages) mylist - 2008/01
<^FIRST_URI^> URI of the first page in a set (first month URI in month index view and first thread URI in thread pages) http://example.com/mylist/2005-09/
<^INDEX_TITLE^> Title of the index page Index
<^INDEX_URI^> URI of the mailing list archive main index http://example.com/mylist/
<^LAST_TITLE^> Title of the last page in a set (title of the last month page on month pages and title of the last thread on thread pages) mylist - 2008/12
<^LAST_URI^> URI of the last page in a set (last month URI in month index view and last thread URI in thread pages) http://example.com/mylist/2005-09/
<^NEXT_TITLE^> Title of the next page in a set (title of the next month page on month pages and title of the next thread on thread pages) mylist - 2008/07
<^NEXT_URI^> URI of the next page in a set (next month URI in month index view and next thread URI in thread pages) http://example.com/mylist/2005-09/
<^PARENT_TITLE^> Title of the parent page Parent
<^PARENT_URI^> URI of the parent page http://example.com/mylist/2008-09/
<^PREV_TITLE^> Title of the previous page in a set (title of the previous month page on month pages and title of the previous thread on thread pages) mylist - 2008/05
<^PREV_URI^> URI of the previous page in a set (previous month URI in month index view and previous thread URI in thread pages) http://example.com/mylist/2005-09/
<^RSS_PATH^> URI of the RSS feed http://example.com/index.rss
<^TITLE^> Title of the mailing list, given by the -n option My list

Table 2.1. Template tags

    // This next line will be changed by the templating system, so in fact
    // the $title variable will contain the substituted string.
    $title = "<^TITLE^>";
    // If the template variable is unavailable, the variable will still contain 
    // the original template tag; here this is checked and if the title was not 
    // replaced, change the title to 'Untitled'.
    if ($title == '<^' . 'TITLE' . '^>') {
        $title = 'Untitled';

Example 2.1. PHP template