Module crepyscule_summer_time
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Module crepyscule_summer_time

Adjust the sunset and sunrise hour depending on the timezone. The list of timezone (lTimezone) is based on software kstars of the kdeedu project ( The original file contains informations by column like this: city : province : country : Lat_deg : Lat_min : Lat_sec : N|S : Lon_deg : Lon_min : Lon_sec : E|W : UTC_difference : two_letters[??]

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Function Summary
list adjust_summer_time(lSunrise, lSunset, sTimezone, nYear)
Adjust the hour of sunset and sunrise depending of the summer time
  adjust_summer_time_one_day(tDay, fValue, sTimezone)
Adjust the hour of sunset and sunrise depending of the summer time for this particular day.
tuple get_summer_time_days(sSummerCode, nYear)
Return in julian day the beginning of daylight time and the end of daylight time.

Function Details

adjust_summer_time(lSunrise, lSunset, sTimezone, nYear)

Adjust the hour of sunset and sunrise depending of the summer time
lSunrise - List of sunrise for the whole year.
lSunset - List of sunset for the whole year.
sTimezone - Summer time two letters code
nYear - Year to retrieve the dates for this summer code.
List of the adjusted value of sunrise and sunset: [lSunrise, lSunset]

adjust_summer_time_one_day(tDay, fValue, sTimezone)

Adjust the hour of sunset and sunrise depending of the summer time for this particular day.
tDay - Tuple of this day in the format (nYear, nMonth, nDay)
fValue - sunrise or sunset value to adjust following summertime.

get_summer_time_days(sSummerCode, nYear)

Return in julian day the beginning of daylight time and the end of daylight time.
sSummerCode - summer time two letters code
nYear - Year to retrieve the dates for this summer code. Might have an effect in the case of 'US' since it had been change in 2007.
First and last julian day for this summer time code

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Wed Jan 28 21:01:07 2009