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La géo-ingénierie


La géo-ingénierie

  • Canada
  • GNU/Linux
  • Pine
« La géo-ingénierie désigne les efforts visant à stabiliser le système climatique en
directement le bilan énergétique de la Terre, permettant ainsi de surmonter l'effet de
accru. » []

J'en avais déjà parlé ici:

et je viens de lire un article sur la question dans le Science & Vie de décembre 2006
1071, pp 56-67). [NDA: pas moyen de faire un hyperlien vers l'article en question, Science
et Vie a un site web vraiment nul qui vaut le détour juste pour le constater: (bonne navigation!)]

Qu'il me soit permis de recopier un paragraphe du blogue de Real Climate sur la question
la géo-ingénierie:

« Think of the climate as a small boat on a rather choppy ocean. Under normal
the boat will rock to and fro, and there is a finite risk that the boat could be
by a rogue wave. But now one of the passengers has decided to stand up and is deliberately
rocking the boat ever more violently. Someone suggests that this is likely to increase the
chances of the boat capsizing. Another passenger then proposes that with his knowledge of
chaotic dynamics he can counterbalance the first passenger and indeed, counter the natural
rocking caused by the waves. But to do so he needs a huge array of sensors and enormous
computational reasources to be ready to react efficiently but still wouldn't be able to
guarantee absolute stability, and indeed, since the system is untested it might make
worse. » Source:



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