Ma copine Erica est a Clark university a Boston. Elle vient de recevoir ce email de la
section de TI.
Le dernier paragraphe est intéressant, l'niversité recommande d'acheter XP pour
remplacer Vista!
As you may know, Microsoft released the Windows Vista operating system and Office 2007
applications in early 2007. Even though the software has been available for over six
months, there are still many known compatibility issues.
As of this writing, ITS is aware of compatibility problems with Vista and Blackboard,
Vista and the Clark wireless network security system, and Office 2007 files with Mac users
and those Windows users with older versions of Office. We have also heard of issues with
the programs Ad-Aware, Banner, Oracle, SPSS, & SAS.
With ITS currently being unable to provide solutions for these issues, and still testing
Windows Vista and Office 2007 for yet to be discovered compatibility issues, we have
decided to not deploy Vista or Office 2007 at this time and cannot fully support either
piece of software via the Help Desk or other Desktop Support services. ITS is encouraging
the members of the University to avoid purchasing computers with Vista pre-installed or
updating their current systems.
If you already have Windows Vista, ITS will do our best to help you with problems you may
have, but we expect that there will be issues (such as the compatibility ones mentioned
above) that we cannot fix.
The ITS Help Desk does have copies of Windows XP Professional and Office 2003 Professional
available for purchase by University faculty, staff, & students. If you have not already
purchased a copy of Windows XP from ITS, we recommend that you purchase a copy to replace
Windows Vista and upgrade back to Vista when ITS officially supports the operating system
and when you feel you are ready for the change.
We hope that if you have questions about this message, that you won't hesitate to contact
the Help Desk.