Sunrise, sunset, daylight in a graph

See a graph of sunrise, sunset and daylight times for a particular location.

Pick your location, and if needed, fine-tune the informations in the specifications block.


We strongly suggest you use the Wizard to pick one or two cities from a list.

After selecting, you will be brought back on this page, with the below form all filled up; you may want to correct the values

You may alternatively fill one (or both) forms below if you know the location's coordinates.

City 1
City 2

Sunrise, sunset, daylight in a graph

Création : 14 August 2005
N 45° 33′ W 73° 36′

Sunrise, sunset, daylight in a graph

Dernière mise à jour : 22 October 2009,
N 45° 33′ W 73° 36′

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